Book of polish proverbs for children.
Translation below.
Mock-up by Stian Finnestrand

Always have a road up the mountain = always have troubles or problems in life

To dissapear like stone in a water = to vanish into thin air

to take legs behind belt = run away very fast

Goal saints the means = all methods are acceptable to accomplish something

It rains like from the bucket = there's a heavy rain / downpour

Two heads ain't one = two people can do something better than one

Nature pulls the wolf to into the forest = trying to change your nature is futile

Lord's mercy rides a varicoloured horse = people's loyalty or goodwill is unsteady

To stare like magpie into the bone = to look at something long, without any idea what to do with it

If the goat didn't jump, she wouldn't break a leg = if you aren't careful / take a risk, you can meet bad consequences