The cover design. The text says: 'Will the rush of life eat us?'
Whamp! is a fake magazine for Publication Design class. The goal was to to create magazine about your own hobbies and interests and design the layout.
This magazine is about books, films, games and a bit of lifestyle/psychology.
The images inside belong to their respective owners. I created the layout, cover and some drawings for the editor's page and contributors page.
Disclaimer 2 : Even if you know Polish, don't read the articles, it's rubbish =P
If you scroll down you can flip through entire magazine. Have fun!

The table of contents. Text says the month of this particular issue, which in this case is February 2015

Left side: List of contributors in illustration form (by me). Right side: Ask us! sections (letters from the readers)

This month's cover story with big spread. Text says: Lost in Rush
Illustation by Mathiew Lyons

Cover story text layout. Three columns.

Title page for GAMES section.
Fake ad on the left.

Article about INDIE GAMES in form of a list.

'Classics worth knowing' - article about books. Covers arranged in a unusual fashion.
Illustration belongs to Culpeo-Fox.

The horoscope.
Thank you!
Here is a flipbook version.